Saturday, 16 July 2011

Berlin, Berlin

As if to prove myself wrong (that I'm not a geeky transpotter) here's a cute train we saw at some S-bahn station (on the way to a fabby and marvy John Mellencamp gig)

Like a bus - you wait ages for a blogpost and then several come at once.

I'm not actually deluding myself that anyone is waiting for me to post but I can't resist some kind of pun or whatever.

First to distract any readers there might be from what's to come - here's a pretty view of the Fernsehturm.

On the way back from looking at this we had to sit on these, again on the U5 - but I'll be kind and put it behind the break...

Just when you thought it was safe to go back onto the internet...

you come back to find that I've been travelling by train. Again. What can I say? I love them.

And even though this has now morphed into a blog about public transport seat covers - which in NO WAY makes me into some kind of nerdy geek, by the way - I hope it's still vaguely interesting. (yeah, only to public transport seat covers geeks. - ed)